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Coaching Program

What You Get

  • Establish your personal (or family’s) Financial Goals, which includes: income, business decisions, family vacations, monthly and annual spending, investments, retirement, etc.
  • Graduates Invited to Super Community.
  • Initial assessment on how you see money, we will be exploring your financial literacy and current mindset.
  • 6-weeks of a proprietary process designed to allow the client—you—to identify and remove the psychological barriers to money, building wealth, and the abundance mindset. This is a deep dive and slightly different for every client, so it’s directly relevant to your roadblocks, obstacles, fears, worries, and doubts.

Wait There's More

  • We will also build a very custom-designed (personally tailored) Financial Plan that further supports your money goals.
  • Immediate email response for urgent questions and feelings.
  • Receive quick, positive mindset reinforcements, or refreshers, to your phone Monday – Friday.
  • A second 6-weeks of honestly exploring your financial life. Together, we will look at how money plays a role in your life; we’ll look at: how you’re making, spending, investing, and making decisions where money is concerned.

Explore The Never Endless Benefits

Establish and strengthen new habits around how you interact, and relate, with money, people who have money, clients, and potential clients/prospects.
Gain a real insight into how you see, believe, think, and feel about money and those who have it.
Avoid those dreaded “money talks” — learn to communicate effectively, and in a healthy way, about money.
Release limiting beliefs around money and your relationship with money, then immediately reinforce new beliefs.
Develop a new perspective on your relationship with money.
Feel good about amassing wealth.
Feel that sense of certainty, you’re finally being guided in the right direction.
Design a new understanding of what money is or means to you and your family.
Identify any resistance you might have — knowingly or unknowingly — to making money and creating abundance in your life.
Really explore what you believe, think, and feel about money and those who have it and those who don’t.
Feel that sense of freedom, knowing you’re taking smart actions with your money.
Experience a calm as you redefine your vision and use of money.
Actually launching that business you’ve been wanting to start.
Feel that sense of power and control over your life again.
Take your business to the next level or level up your current business

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