What You Get
- Establish your personal (or family’s) Financial Goals, which includes: income, business decisions, family vacations, monthly and annual spending, investments, retirement, etc.
- Graduates Invited to Super Community.
- Initial assessment on how you see money, we will be exploring your financial literacy and current mindset.
- 6-weeks of a proprietary process designed to allow the client—you—to identify and remove the psychological barriers to money, building wealth, and the abundance mindset. This is a deep dive and slightly different for every client, so it’s directly relevant to your roadblocks, obstacles, fears, worries, and doubts.
Wait There's More
- We will also build a very custom-designed (personally tailored) Financial Plan that further supports your money goals.
- Immediate email response for urgent questions and feelings.
- Receive quick, positive mindset reinforcements, or refreshers, to your phone Monday – Friday.
- A second 6-weeks of honestly exploring your financial life. Together, we will look at how money plays a role in your life; we’ll look at: how you’re making, spending, investing, and making decisions where money is concerned.
Explore The Never Endless Benefits
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